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  • Law, K.C., Allen, N.P., Kolnogorova, K., & Stecker, T. (2019). An Examination of PTSD Symptoms and Their Effects on Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Non-Treatment Seeking Veterans. Psychiatry Research.

    Law, K.C., Jin, H. M., & Anestis, M.D. (2018). The Intensity of Suicidal Ideation at the Worst Point and the Transition to Future Attempts. Psychiatry Research.

  • Rogers, M.L., Tucker, R.P., Law, K.C., Anestis, M.D., Wingate, L.R., & Joiner, T.E., (2018). Do Negative Thinking Styles Predispose Acute Suicidal Affective Disorder (ASAD) Symptoms and Suicide-Related Outcomes? Cognitive Therapy and Research.

  • Law, K.C., & Tucker, R.P. (2017). Repetitive Negative Thinking and Suicide: A Burgeoning Literature with Need for Further Exploration. Current Opinions in Psychology.

  • Rogers, M.L., Schneider, M.E., Tucker, R.P., Law, K.C., Anestis, M.D., & Joiner, T. E., (2017). Overarousal as a mechanism of the relation between rumination and suicidality. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

  • Law, K.C., Khazem, L.R., Jin, H.M., & Anestis, M.D., (2017). Non-suicidal self-injury and frequency of suicide attempts: The role of pain persistence. Journal of Affective Disorders.

  • Rogers, M.L., Tucker, R.P., Law, K.C., Michaels, M.S., Anestis, M.D., & Joiner, T.E., (2016) Manifestations of Overarousal Account for the Associations between Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity and Suicidal Ideation. Journal of Affective Disorders.

  • Law, K.C., Khazem, L.R., & Anestis, M.D., (2015). The role of emotion dysregulation in suicide as considered through the ideation to action framework. Current Opinions in Psychology.

  • Pennings, S.M., Law, K.C., Green, B.A., & Anestis, M.D. (2015). The impact of grit on the relationship between hopelessness and suicidality. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy.

  • Anestis, M.D., Khazem, L.R., Law, K.C., Houtsma, C., LeTard, R., Moberg, F., & Martin, R. (2015). The association between state laws regulating handgun ownership and statewide suicide rates. American Journal of Public Health.

  • Anestis, M.D., Khazem, L, R., & Law, K.C., (2014). How many times and how many ways: The impact of number of non-suicidal self-injury methods on the relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury frequency and suicidal behavior. Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviors.


  • Marks, R., Moreira, N., & Law, K.C., (2020). The History, Ethics and Current State of Suicide Policy in America's Correctional System. Behavioral Therapist.

  • Anestis, M.D., Bryan, C.J., May, A.M., Law, K.C., Hagan, C.R., Bryan, A.O., Klonsky, E.D., Selby, E.A., Joiner, T.E. (2015). Dangerous words? Examining the impact of detailed reporting about suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology.

  •  Khazem, L.R., Law, K.C., Green, B., & Anestis, M.D. (2014). Coping strategies and suicidal desire in a military population: Influences on the variables of the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide. Comprehensive Psychiatry.

  • Kleiman, E.M., Law, K.C., & Anestis, M.D. (2013). Do theories of suicide play well together? Integrating the hopelessness and interpersonal psychological theories of suicide. Comprehensive Psychiatry

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