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Furry Friends of the Lab

Dr. Sabine Louise Gilbert, PhD, known to students as Beanie, is a tenure track professor in the Department of Clinicat Psychology. Her research interests involve adapting evidence-based interventions for the semi-feral cat population. Beanie’s dissertation entitled “DEAR MOM GIVE SNACK: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills for the Emotionally Dysregulated Feline” has been cited over 1,000 times on PupMed. 

Dr. Captain Ragazzo has a Mew.D. in Feline Psychology from the University of Whiskerconsin, Dr. Captain's research interests lie in the realm of behavioral therapy and treat-based conditioning. Hhe specializes in using positive reinforcement techniques to tackle issues ranging from anxiety to litter box aversion. When he's not busy delving into the depths of feline cognition, you'll often find Dr. Captain indulging in his favorite pastime: treat time! Known for his Pavloved response to the sound of his mom entering the kitchen, Captain is a firm believer in the power of positive reinforcement and the occasional tasty snack.


Dr. Cashew Ragazzo, has a Mew.D. in Pawsychology. As a chunky orange connoisseur of all things cozy Dr. Cashew’s experiences have shaped his unique approach to clinical psychology. Dr. Cashew is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of cute aggression and ankle-biting behavior in feline populations. His groundbreaking research aims to uncover innovative coping mechanisms for cats and their human companions alike, because, sometimes those ankles just look tempting! When he's not busy decoding the secrets of the kitty mind, you can find him indulging in his favorite hobbies, which include birdwatching and perfecting his patented headbutt technique for maximum cuddle effectiveness.

Dr. Juno McMeekin is an up and coming researcher specializing in risk appraisal and actuarial science. You may know her from her groundbreaking papers, “Friend or foe: men wearing hoodies at night” and “Where is that garbage truck going and what are the chances it will eat me?”. In her free time she enjoys licking things off of the sidewalk and watching reruns of The Sopranos.

Sky Moreira, PhD left his career as an Abercrombie model to pursue a dogtorate in psychology. He wanted to better understand himself and bask in the glory of academia. His groundbreaking work on canine predation of small game and domestic animals has garnered acclaim across the aisles of Petco and controversy at home...where he lives with tiny prey. In his free time he Husky howls at his humans and waits for them to leave so he can Houdini out of his kennel and eat treats from the pantry.

Ivy Jane Barnette, PhD, graduated from the University of Miceissippi with her doctorate in feline lifestyle studies. She specializes in the study of sleep among domesticated felines and made history as the first researcher to serve as the one-and only-participant in her own sleep studies. Three years into her research, she continues to gather data on her daily sleep habits. She has plan to secure grant funding from the Barnette Household Fund to pursue research on the flavor profiles of premium cat food selections. In her free-time, she enjoys chasing toys, watching birds outside, spending time on her catio, and fighting with her sister. 

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